Expert advice on how to do your best with potty training - My Carry Potty®

Expert advice on how to do your best with potty training

Posted by Amanda Jenner

Potty training your little one can be a stressful time for everyone involved. If you’re on the cusp of reaching the end of your tether, luckily for you we have expert advice on the subject.


  • If your toddler is showing all the signs of readiness. If they are ready during the wintertime, it is best to go with it as you do not want to miss this opportunity. 
  • Being able to understand and comprehend basic instructions is important, especially when you start potty training. You will need to give them direction on what they need to do and also communicate back to you when it comes to needing a wee or poo or using the potty or toilet.  
  • Noticing nappies are dryer during the day which is an indication that their muscles have developed which will lead to fewer accidents.  
  • Removing their nappy as they feel uncomfortable when it is wet is a good sign that they are starting to feel the wetness and wanting it removed.  
  • Recognising when they are actually doing a wee or poo is a good sign as they are starting to understand their body.  
  • If your toddler is showing independence (i.e. dressing and undressing), it shows they are moving onto their next key stage of development. You will often find this really does help potty training as they are keen to do things on their own.  


  • Don’t begin potty training if there is a change in circumstance; such as if the toddler is unwell; there’s a new baby in the family; you’ve moved house; there’s been a change of childcare setting; and family problems in the home, for example, separation or death in the family.
  • Don’t start too early. Make sure your little one is showing all the signs they are ready and also you are ready too.
  • Don’t be influenced by what other people say, you know your child better than anyone else.
  • Don’t become cross. It can become frustrating when potty training but remember little ones do not want to disappoint you as a parent. So try not to become cross when accidents happen.
  • Do start when your little one is showing all the signs of readiness.
  • Do educate your little one through books and apps so they have an understanding of what is going to happen.
  • Do transition from nappies/pullups to pants. Using both nappies/pullups and pants will confuse your toddler and send mix messages. So, be sure to transition to pants from day one.
  • Do talk to your childcare setting and explain that you are potty training your little one. Let them know what program you are doing so that they can also do the same. Consistency is key!
  • Do take your potty or trainer seat with you if you are going out and about.
  • Do get the family involved. 

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